Monday, September 20, 2010

The urgency to remember.. Luke 1:45

I've been reading through the book of Luke ( and Psalms)  for devotion recently . Now I have to be honest and say that when God directed me to Luke I was a little confused because within the last year I had read through the Gospels, and now God was saying go back to Luke . We'll I did  begin reading and it wasn't to long before I came across a verse that struck me and I couldn't shake it for a few days .

The first  chapter of Luke finds the angel Gabriel very busy delivering God's messages to two cousins. First he ( Gabriel ) visit Elizabeth and tells her that she is going to give birth to a son . Now Elizabeth was barren and old ( sounds like Sarah right ) but Gab says that she is going to give birth to a son and his name will be John and he'll be a forerunner to the Messiah! Exciting stuff right . Well then Gab goes to visit Mary ( Elizabeth's cousin) ,  a young woman and engaged to be married to Joseph . Now she hasn't been with Joseph yet BUT Gab tells her that she is about to become a mom! Check it of  in Luke 1:26-35.  The Holy Spirit of God will hover over her and she will conceive the Son of God , the  long awaited Messiah.  Mary hears and says to Gab in vs38 "Behold , the bondslave of the Lord ; may it be done to me according to your word." With that Gabriel goes back to glory .

Mary decided to go visit her cousin Elizabeth and when she is even at the door Elizabeth under the power of the Holy Spirit starts to pronounce blessings over Mary and vs 45 hit's me for it says
 " And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord "

Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord! So I ask you today , what has God spoken to you lately that sounds as crazy as a teen girl becoming pregnant without having sex ? or a old women beyond child bearing years having a baby? What has God spoken to your spirit ? Maybe it's been a while and it hasn't happened yet. Don't give into the pressure of disbelief! God can still do it , your job is to believe. Elizabeth  through the Spirit said to Mary, and I think to anyone who reads those words with Holy Spirit insight, that we will be blessed too IF we believe that what has been spoken to us will be fulfilled. This thing was good to me because I've had some "strange God " word spoken to me and I'm still waiting .

I encourage you today to hold on and believe that the fulfillment of what God has said WILL come to pass.  Why ? because in vs 37after Gabriel has pronounced what sounded like craziness he  states plainly : For nothing will be impossible with God".The same God who made it happen in the lives of Mary and Elizabeth can make it happen in us. We have to be willing to believe the word spoken and then trust God to bring it to pass.

So I pray this verse over you all ( and myself)  blessed is she( he )  who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her(him) by the Lord.

Amen .


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