Thursday, December 25, 2008

We celebrate and remember the Promise...

Christmas is not about Santa , Frosty or just happy holidays. It's not about being politically correct or being all things to all people. Christmas is about Christ ! The redeemer of mankind and the victor over hell, death and the grave, the ultimate example of love . Our special Gift ( sang Walter Hawkins )

So today remember the promise made long ago in Genesis 3:15 where God said these words
15And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel."

This is the first prophecy regarding the coming of Christ and it came about due to sin . So Christmas is really about a loving God making provision to buy back His hard headed kids from Satan and pay the blood price for sins that He didn't commit. Christmas is the result of sin and love .Sin on our part , thus causing us to need a savior and love on God's part, coming in the flesh to save us from our sins and reconcile us to God. Powerful. So much more that chestnuts roasting on an open fire or jack frost nipping at your nose . More that Santa, Rudolph, Heat Miser or Snow Miser. More than ipods, gift cards and the lastest gift craze under the tree.

And that is why satan works so hard to de-Christ Christmas! Because when we truly remember WHY and HOW Christmas came about it reminds him of his defeat!
satan will do whatever he has to do to get people to forget that Christmas is really about our need for salvation and God's provision for it. So yeah let's make them forget the "real" meaning of the day they celebrate . Let's make them go into debt , crush and kill workers at the local Walmart so they can get gifts for their loved ones, lets make up a fictional character so that he will get more play than Jesus . Just so they won't truly realize what was done for them on that day when Jesus took the on human flesh for them . Gotta keep them in spiritual bondage.

So today as we remember and celebrate the Christ coming to this world. Remeber the Ultimate gift and the true meaning of this day . Far to many people think it's just about the tree and what's under it but in fact it's really about Jesus coming to end up on a tree for us. He gave the gift of life and we need to make sure we share the full story of Christmas with all who will listen .

Remember why
Remember God's love for us
Remember the cost

Remember Jesus is the reason for the season . Matt 1:21
"She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."
