Saturday, September 09, 2006

The completion of 9/8/06

So today was my last official Sabbath at Pioneer SDA and they bid me farewell in style , a dozen roses and a nice lil love offering. It was very thoughtful of them because our church membership is very small. So anything is a act of love. I'm gonna miss those folks and that church. But I must needed go through to Syracuse.

Thus a good intro into my point from the sermon I preached today. Sermon Title : We all must needs go through from John 4:1-4.(see below) Read until vs 43 for full revelation.

Here are the points:
1)Jesus was a man of purpose and allowed nothing to deter Him from His mission and as Christian we should be the same.

2)Jesus going through Samaria broke down three issues: Tradition , Discrimination and Misguided worship.

Tradition :
The Jews hated the Samaritans and they were unclean to them. This disdain for the samaritians effected the Jew so instead of taking the direct route they would cross the Jordan and walk way out of the way to get to where they were going. Jesus refused to follow tradition and would not continue the discrimination

Jesus going through Samaria validated the Samaritans and women. Jesus would not allow the tradition of the church folks to stand in the way of His ministry. If we are going to be like Jesus we racial and gender discrimination has got to go.

Misguided Worship :Jesus coming through Samaria reeducated the Samariatans concerning true worship, directed them to Him the Messiah and brought revival.

Life Application :

We all have a Samaria that we need to go through but are avoiding. If we are to be like Christ we need to walk the road that God has laid out before us so that we can be uses of God to bring the grace of God and revival to that situation. We can not hate our brothers and sisters of different race. We can not deny women access to worship, ministry and service . We need to stop following the traditions of men and walk the walk of God. If we go through to the destination of God ..going the most direct route and not taking a detour because our issues He will use us to bring the Gift of God ,,,grace , the truth of His Son and Salvation , Revival and True Worship and out of us will pour rivers of living water for God's Glory!

ok there was more but this is just an recap. Folks were blessed and convicted . My pastor even got up and preached a lil and called for heartfelt introspection and prayer this week. God is awesome.

Love y'all . God bless!Holla

Friday, September 08, 2006

We all gotta go through.........

I posted this on my other blog but decided to place it here as well. be Blessed.

Praise God the weekend is here!!!! runnin lapses and spiraling along the way. It has been a long week and everyday brought more cutting ... ..cutting away from my patients whom I love dearly and will miss , but I am so ret ta go. I'm working Monday and Tuesday , Wednesday will be an office day , clean up , paperwork day . I hope to roll out by noon. We shall see. I'm really going to miss the staff that I've worked with . The best nurses and office folks you ever want to meet. I have learned so much and grown as a nurse while working for Hospice.

But it is time to move forward to another phase of my crazy life. I swear I'm a gypsy . I move more than the US military.

I am preaching tomorrow and want to share a lil bit because I think it pertains to change, the move of God and purpose.

err ra umm **tappin mic** is this thing on ..LOLOL

Turn with me to John the 4th Chapter reading verses 1-4 and it reads:
Joh 4:1-4
When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, (2) (Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples,) (3) He left Judea, and departed again into Galilee.
(4) And he must needs go through Samaria.

I'm the type of person who loves to travel. I don't mind flying, riding the train or driving . Matter of fact I love to drive because I have control issues and there are very few people who I feel comfortable enough to drive with .I want to be behind the wheel ,feel the road under my feet and put the petal to the metal . Ahh doing on a road trip , my goal is to get there the quickest way possible . I go online or call triple A and map out my journey. Sometime even with all my years of trips, travels and planning I hit a bump in the road . Construction( Ohio ..the #1 state for CONSTANT construction on the 90) , Detours ..things that take me off the planned road of travel..

Not planned things but unplanned distractions , disruption to the journey I'm trying to take.... It frustrates me when I can't get to where I want to be , when I want to be I had a hard time trying to understand why Jesus was the only one with enough sense to take the straight away by way of Samaria to get to Galilee but after much study and contemplation I realized that everyone else...The Jews this is ..had been taking Detours ..going way out of the way to get where they were going ..Oh they had their reasons and we'll look at those in a bit ...But Jesus was determined to stay the course to complete His journey and while we sit in these text and the text to follow for the next few minutes it's my hope that we will gleam some truths that will make are Journey a little easier...

You see it says in vs 4 : And he ( meaning Jesus ) must needs go through Samaria or in todays language He needed to go through Samaria .. There was some business that he had to handle in Samaria... We also must needs go through so that we like Jesus can bring the Gift of God so someone in need.

The Title of my sermon for this morning : We all must needs go through..Will be back with the points when I'm done .
Pray for me . God bless and Happy Sabbath!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Self revelation continues.........

Inconsistency .........
It is a major issue in my life. Had my good friend in Vegas call me on it yesterday. Knew it was confirmation because I had been hearing it all week.

How to change ? How to become consistent?

This lack of discipline effects every facet of my life.

I need a CHANGE!