Monday, March 30, 2009

Divine Appointments

Yesterday my mother and I had a 4hr layover at JFK. While waiting my computer battery began to run low . Behind us there was a "power station " a place where you can plug in all types of electric gadgets . I ask a young man if it was free to use and he said yes( I was wondering because If they will charge you for the net they might charge you for using the power station too!) . I then say to him "ah , a fellow Mac users" to which he replies " I was just about to say the same thing to you " . We commence to talk about the joys of Mac's but God soon redirected the conversation to the Kingdom . It seems that Frank ** shout out to Frank aka Dj Kaliff ** is a man of God with a passion for reaching the lost ( especially young black males, gang bangers and Muslim) . He felt that it was time to do something more for Jesus ..something out of the box . We continues to talk about "church " and how we are missing the mark . I shared my devotional reading with him and how I have been reading from the book of Luke BUT today the bible fell open to 1 Samuel 17 so I just read the story of David and Goliath . Frank said that our conversation was confirmation #2 for him . I asked him how they came as mine usually come in three's . He said the same . Anyway , after talking about the devotional reading he had #3.

I Samuel 17 is about David and Goliath ( please read the entire chapter because I can't deal with it all now ) but 37-47 we see what it takes to be an out of the box Christian with any ministry that God has given us . I shared this with Frank and I'll do the same for you .

#1) Realize that others may see you as the least BUT God looks at you another way when you have a heart for Him ( 16:21-22, 17:28-37) ** this is extra good stuff**

#2) Realize that you can only fight with your own *weapons** can't use someone eles' stuff- Saul wanted David to use his armor but David says in vs 39 " I cannot go with these (meaning Saul's weapons) because I have not tested them!! " ie. I have to go into this fight with the
things I know work for me ! not your stuff .

#3) Trust in God to give you the victory and stand up to the enemy vs45-47 !- David was a young man , running at the enemy with what looked like toys ..a sling and some rocks but because he trusted in God and he was willing to stand against the enemy ( when no one else was) God was with him.

#4) God forth with Power and Faith because once you get the victory others will be able to move forward vs48-54 The Israelite army didn't move until David ( through the Lord's might ) killed Goliath...

question for you ....umm what is God waiting for you and I to kill so that his people can move ahead!? I'm just asking the question ...yeah .

I shared with Frank that his MacPro and mixer were his *weapons* and God would uses them for His glory if he was willing to go forward like David. Frank told me that many people have been trying to get him to "do ministry their way or how they think he should do it" but the word of the Lord on that day was for him to use what he has !

We exchanged contact information and then prayed . I went over to my mom who I had abandoned lol ( she had been sleep for a while ) and open to my FB account and this was the scripture for the day Ps 37 :1-7. More confirmation( which I texted to Frank). I am just waiting to see what God is going to do with Frank. I told him I already have like 4 folks who I am going to put him in contact with re: his music ( he also produces and is looking for Christian musicians ( vocalist , instrumentalist and rappers) . All this came about by a "random" reading of God word and a simple greeting. Look at God!

My encouragement for you today is :
#1) read the word daily because you never know when someone else may need a word.
#2) Use the armor that God has given you to help build up the body and tear down satan's kingdom.
#3) all those points above from 1 Samuel 17
