Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spinning punked me

So today I tried something new.... Spinning ! Lord have mercy I thought I was going to pass out. The seat had my butt hurting from the start and within 30 seconds of peddling my thighs were crying out for help. Sad but true :( . I managed to last for about 20-25 minutes . I shall try it again next Sunday and hopefully the time will come when I will be able to do the entire 60mins. I finished up on the eliptical for 35 mins. Good work out overall.

As far as food is concerned I'm still on the 4C's fast and the other day I was ready to hurt somebody for something sweet BUT the Holy Ghost prevailed and I did not give in .I was in Meijier's and this chocolate cake was trying to call out my name . The thing is I don't even really like chocolate cake . Cooking whole foods is on the increase! Made my "world famous" kale and potato soup today . Didn't taste like it usually does but I was good and simple none the less.

So last thing for today's blog ...

I received some encouragement from the Spinning trainer . She has challenged me to make it to 30 mins next time:) . One of the ladies in the class also came up to me after my workout , come to find out she teaches the cardio kickboxing .  Her name is Regina and she really encouraged me. She looks  just like I want to eventually look like . Baby steps:) day by day .  So I promised she'd she me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Look at God .


Sunday, October 10, 2010


So I have finished my cleanse and realize the following:
  1. I need to live a very disciplined life. A Fasted Lifestyle. I'm going to research and pray about this because it is all too easy for me to fall back into my unhealthy ways after a "challenge" or "fast" is over. 
  2. God has been reinforcing the need for me to eat according to His health principles and my body has shown me that fake meat is not easily digested anymore:( . This should be a no brainer as anything fake is just that fake) . I recently went shopping and found my favorite veggie meat /fish products carried by a local grocery store. I spent like $45.00 on veggie sea bass, chicken, Mississippi chops..etc. just to have my body show signs that this stuff is difficult to get rid of..
  3. I need the power of the Holy Spirit to help me with this lifestyle change ,
  4. Baby steps lead to walking. Thus it shall be with my journey . 
  5. I need to go through my cabinets getting rid of all non natural foods and then go shopping for staples . 
  6. If I don't cook it , I don't eat it! That was in my head either today or yesterday and then I saw it in a blog and knew it was confirmation . This will limit my eating out and even what I eat at friends/family homes.
  7. I need to plan my meals and shop accordingly . Weekly shopping since I will be eating more whole foods .
  8. I'm lazy and inconsistent . I must overcome these traits
  9. With God ALL things are possible
  10. I want to be healthy . It's more than just loosing weight . It's about a way of life.

Pray for me :) . Today I will tackle the pantry to see what exactly IS in there and what I need . No more grocery shopping without a list . Wasting money and time ( repeated trips because I forgot something duh) .

Baby steps.


Monday, October 04, 2010

Cleansing ( Physical and Spirtual)

Today I am starting ( again) my journey to physical wellbeing. I have recently moved and gain about six pounds thus making me the biggest I have ever been . This has got to stop . I am starting a three day detox and then will follow a seven day 1200 cal vegan diet . God told me a lllooooooggg time ago that IF I wanted to loose weight I should eat Gen 1:29 which says"Then God said, "Behold, (A)I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;" So there it is . A vegan diet is what I need for my body to be healthy , so why am I in the worst shape of my life physically ? Because I have too often given in to my flesh , but no more. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step and I'm talking my first step today .

Now I have been here many times before but this time is different ? why you ask? well I'm glad to tell you . I am depending on God to help me . I can not do this in my own strength because IF I could I wouldn't be writing this post now would I :). I am committing my physical health and addictions to Him and I know I will have the victory . Slow and steady wins the race .

With this determination towards physical health I realize that I need to do a spiritual cleanse as well . So for the next three days I am going to disconnect from the things that so easily distract ( beset-KJV or entangles -NASB ) me  according to Heb 12:1-3
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
 2fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
 3For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

Three days of physical cleansing and spiritual cleansing . Pray for me . Of course the enemy of my soul finds no joy in my new resolve but greater is He who is in me that he who is in the world ! (1John 4:4)


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Being who God made you to be.

I am  determined to be the me that God made me to be ! Look at your neighbor and say "JESUS TEACH ME TO BE ME!!!!!!!!!!" SAY YYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....

to be continued.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The urgency to remember.. Luke 1:45

I've been reading through the book of Luke ( and Psalms)  for devotion recently . Now I have to be honest and say that when God directed me to Luke I was a little confused because within the last year I had read through the Gospels, and now God was saying go back to Luke . We'll I did  begin reading and it wasn't to long before I came across a verse that struck me and I couldn't shake it for a few days .

The first  chapter of Luke finds the angel Gabriel very busy delivering God's messages to two cousins. First he ( Gabriel ) visit Elizabeth and tells her that she is going to give birth to a son . Now Elizabeth was barren and old ( sounds like Sarah right ) but Gab says that she is going to give birth to a son and his name will be John and he'll be a forerunner to the Messiah! Exciting stuff right . Well then Gab goes to visit Mary ( Elizabeth's cousin) ,  a young woman and engaged to be married to Joseph . Now she hasn't been with Joseph yet BUT Gab tells her that she is about to become a mom! Check it of  in Luke 1:26-35.  The Holy Spirit of God will hover over her and she will conceive the Son of God , the  long awaited Messiah.  Mary hears and says to Gab in vs38 "Behold , the bondslave of the Lord ; may it be done to me according to your word." With that Gabriel goes back to glory .

Mary decided to go visit her cousin Elizabeth and when she is even at the door Elizabeth under the power of the Holy Spirit starts to pronounce blessings over Mary and vs 45 hit's me for it says
 " And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord "

Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord! So I ask you today , what has God spoken to you lately that sounds as crazy as a teen girl becoming pregnant without having sex ? or a old women beyond child bearing years having a baby? What has God spoken to your spirit ? Maybe it's been a while and it hasn't happened yet. Don't give into the pressure of disbelief! God can still do it , your job is to believe. Elizabeth  through the Spirit said to Mary, and I think to anyone who reads those words with Holy Spirit insight, that we will be blessed too IF we believe that what has been spoken to us will be fulfilled. This thing was good to me because I've had some "strange God " word spoken to me and I'm still waiting .

I encourage you today to hold on and believe that the fulfillment of what God has said WILL come to pass.  Why ? because in vs 37after Gabriel has pronounced what sounded like craziness he  states plainly : For nothing will be impossible with God".The same God who made it happen in the lives of Mary and Elizabeth can make it happen in us. We have to be willing to believe the word spoken and then trust God to bring it to pass.

So I pray this verse over you all ( and myself)  blessed is she( he )  who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her(him) by the Lord.

Amen .

Friday, July 03, 2009

Follow the directions!

On Monday I was early morning nurse and I received a call saying I needed to go to Skaneateles , NY . The oncall nurse gave me direction from our office but I live in the Valley section of Syracuse and knew there was another way to get to Skaneateles which should have been easier (per my belief) than going by the info I was given. I called the family to let them know I was coming and then asked about getting to their home from my house. The patients son said sure you can come RT 173 and proceded to give me directions...Well this is where it gets interesting .

I follow the new directions, I drive , drive and drive some more ending up way off the beaten path. I call the family apologizing for being lost ( I was going for a death no less!!!) and asked the son if he thought I should have taken 175 instead ? By this point he and I both are confused. I call the office and speak to the patients nurse hoping she could help me and she is just as clueless as we were. I eventually go back from whence I came and see a sign for the 690 ( umm the highway I would have been on IF I had followed the ORIGINAL directions) and after about 30 mins finally make it to the home . The family was gracious inspite of the death of their mother , I did what I had to do and while drivng back to the office a though came to my mind.

How many times has God given me directions and I've tried to find a quicker , different way to my assignment, call , promise ....? hmm. I wasted over an hour of driving for a trip that should have taken about 30 minutes or less. I put 70! miles on my car just because I thought I knew a better way . It's just like that with God and His directions sometimes. We ( I ) hear God's voice" This IS the way , walk ye in it " BUT we think "There has gotta be a better, easier, safer , different way Lord " and we run off , end up loss, asking folks for help who don't know the plans God has for us ( even though we think they know ) and have to back track to get on the right path . The path God told us initially .

A couple of scriptures came to mind as I drove and even as I type now .

Prov 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to thy own understanding ...
Jer 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you .......
John 10:27 - My sheep ( children ) know my voice and another they will not follow ...

I know there are more but I just want to encourage you to FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! Listen to God and trust that He knows best. We can't hurry God , we can't see what is up ahead BUT we can trust that God can and His direction Never lead us off of our intended path . I don't know more than Him and neither do you . We can choose to listen to those who sound like they know or we can listen to the ONE who really know. We can follow our own path and become lost or we can follow God's path and make it to the place(s)and destiny He has prepared for us.

I'm so glad that when I turned around I saw the sign for the 690 and was able to get to my destination and I'm glad that when we get lost all we have to do is turn around and get back on track, back in the right direction.

God is just awesome folks. Happy Sabbath and remember . Follow the directions!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

There is a time for the deep and spiritial ..but can we just talk...

Ok so I posted this on my FB account today

just stole this...umm borrowed( because preacher's don't steal) it from my friend Olga's page. Living this here statement right now ! " Life isn't about being who everyone wants you to be... its about being yourself and finding someone who loves every bit of it" AMEN! Preach Status Shuffle :)

someone posted this comment on my page r/t the above stated quote:

Is it really??? I thought it was about NOT being yourself , and being the total opposite of yourself -- that is, being like Jesus. From what I read from the Bible, we can't be ourselves, AND be saved."

First of all sometime folks ( including myself can just be too deep and spiritual . When I read the quote initially it touched my heart because too often in the past and up until recently I have been "trying " to make people love me ...usually males and finding it hard to accept me for me . So my growth as a woman has involved living what the quote says. Love me or leave me BUT I am me .

The sister who posted seems to think that we have to loose who we are to find Jesus and that is true in a sense. The old fleshy me cannot live the LIFE because dark and light can not dwell together. But when I come to the LIGHT ..Jesus and find my true self in Him , then I can learn to love me , all of me ( the good , bad and the ugly ) just as He did ( John 3:16) and then begin to live the LIFE.

Now I realize that the enemy wants me neither to love or accept myself . So that I will never reach my full potential in God . But I have resolved to love me and only have people in my life who love me. This does not mean that I am not being changed into the likeness of Christ and still holding on to the old man but instead I am allow God to make me into the vessel of His choosing .

Sam Sasser , author of "The Potter's Touch "once prayed that he would me made into the image of Christ and God said" Which image is that ? There are many " and He began to name them " Lion of Judah, TheLamb , Priest , Servant etc" The Core Jesus is our foundation but just as there are numerous images of the same Jesus found in the Bible there are numerous vessel found on this here Earth who reflect His glory and image.

I'm glad God is not a cookie cutter God nor wants us to be Stedford Wives like but instead has made us all different . In that difference come learning to love how God made us and the purpose for which He made us. It's not coveting someone else's uniqueness or under appreciating our own . It is living through Jesus the Life that He intended for us , not what man , parent(s) , friends, spouses, boyfriends/girlfriend....even self thinks that should be or look like and LIVE.

So yep I stick to the statement "Life isn't about being who everyone wants you to be... its about being yourself and finding someone who loves every bit of it"

The first" Someone" is Jesus and the second" someone" is that person who God designed to be your spouse . The someone(s) are true friends who will love the you for how God made you and who you are in Him
